FastHandle - IT Operations Examples

FastHandle is fast operation tools for infrastructure configurations and tests.

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Top#Middleware Management

Postfix (

Postfix Operation with Fabric

$ fab -l |grep postfix

$ fab  -H  postfix.yum_install

Fabric Temporary Run Call Examples

$ H=test-server-1,test-server-2

$ fab  -H $H   -- "ps aux |grep postfix"

$ fab  -H $H   -- sudo systemctl status postfix
$ fab  -H $H   -- sudo systemctl restart postfix

$ fab  -H $H   -- postconf    # list all configuration
$ fab  -H $H   -- postconf -n    # Display only parameters different from default
$ fab  -H $H   -- postconf -d    # list default configuraiton

$ fab  -H $H   -- "ls /var/spool/mqueue |wc -l"    # List Queue
$ fab  -H $H   -- "mailq  |wc -l"   # List Queue
$ fab  -H $H   -- "postqueue -p |wc -l"
$ fab  -H $H   -- postcat -q QUEUE_ID    # show Postfix queue file contents


import sys
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib import files
# Installing Postfix
# postfix.install_yum
def install_yum():
    sudo("rpm -q postfix        > /dev/null 2>&1 || yum -y install postfix")

# Queue
# postfix.check_queue_num
def postfix.check_queue_num():
    """ls /var/spool/mqueue | wc -l"""
    sudo("ls /var/spool/mqueue | wc -l")

Postfix Configuration Examples

middleware/postfix/index.html.txt ยท Last modified: 2019/02/11 00:46 by kurihara