FastHandle - IT Operations Examples

FastHandle is fast operation tools for infrastructure configurations and tests.

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$FHHOME/bin/ | xxxx.exp


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Top#OS Management



$ fab -l |grep -F auth.
    auth.ciscopro                           USER=fasthandle PASSWORD=fas***s                                Develop # USER=fasthandle
    auth.junospro                           USER=fasthandle PASSWORD=fas***s
    auth.netapppro                          USER=root PASSWORD=fas***s                                Production # USER=fasthandle KEY
    auth.stg                                Staging # USER=fasthandle KEY
    auth.test1                              USER=fasthandle PASSWORD=fas***s
    auth.test2                              USER=user01 PASSWORD=us***01
    auth.winpro                             USER=fasthandle KEY
    auth.winstg                             USER=fasthandle PASSWORD=fas***s


Change login user and password and publickey for your servers.

import sys, glob, os
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib import files

# Linux
def pro():
    '''Production # USER=fasthandle KEY'''
    env.user = 'fasthandle'
    env.key_filename = '$FHHOME/key/'
    #env.password = 'passphrase-for-key'

def stg():
    '''Staging # USER=fasthandle KEY'''
    env.user = 'fasthandle'
    env.key_filename = '$FHHOME/key/id_rsa.fasthandle.stg-fasthandle-1'
    #env.password = 'passphrase-for-key'

def dev():
    '''Develop # USER=fasthandle'''
    env.user = 'fasthandle'
    env.key_filename = '$FHHOME/key/'
    #env.password = 'passphrase-for-key'

def test1():
    '''USER=fasthandle PASSWORD=fas***s'''
    env.user = 'fasthandle'
    env.password = 'fastpass'

def test2():
    '''USER=user01 PASSWORD=us***01'''
    env.user = 'user01'
    env.password = 'user01'

# Windows
def winpro():
    '''USER=fasthandle KEY'''
    env.user = 'fasthandle'
    env.key_filename = '$FHHOME/key/'

def winstg():
    '''USER=fasthandle PASSWORD=fas***s'''
    env.user = 'fasthandle'
    env.password = 'fastpass'

# Hardware
def ciscopro():
    '''USER=fasthandle PASSWORD=fas***s'''
    env.user = 'fasthandle'
    env.password = 'fastpass'

def junospro():
    '''USER=fasthandle PASSWORD=fas***s'''
    env.user = 'fasthandle'
    env.password = 'fastpass'

def netapppro():
    '''USER=root PASSWORD=fas***s'''
    env.user = 'root'
    env.password = 'fastpass'

Top#OS Management

preparation/fhhome/ ยท Last modified: 2018/02/05 23:17 by kurihara