FastHandle - IT Operations Examples

FastHandle is fast operation tools for infrastructure configurations and tests.

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$FHHOME/bin/ | xxxx.exp



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Top#OS Management

Windows Check with Fabric (

Operation with Fabric

$ fab  -l |grep wincheck.
$ echo xx.xx.xx.xx | fab  wincheck.xxxx

How to Check to Use Fabric in Windows

$ ssh user01@xx.xx.xx.xx hostname
$ ssh user01@xx.xx.xx.xx "PowerShell.exe -Command Get-Host"

Fabric one-line Task Examples


$ fab -H xx.xx.xx.xx -u USER -p PASSWORD --shell="Cmd.exe /C" --no-pty -- hostname
$ echo xx.xx.xx.xx | fab auth.winpro --shell="Cmd.exe /C" --no-pty  -- ipconfig /all


$ fab -H xx.xx.xx.xx -u USER -p PASSWORD --shell="" --no-pty -- "PowerShell.exe -Command Get-Host"
$ fab -H xx.xx.xx.xx -u USER -p PASSWORD --shell="PowerShell.exe -Command" auth.wintib  --no-pty -- Get-Host

## This isn't work well. Why? Please tell me.
$ fab -H xx.xx.xx.xx -u USER -p PASSWORD --shell="" --no-pty -- "PowerShell.exe -Command $PSVersionTable"
$ fab -H xx.xx.xx.xx -u USER -p PASSWORD --shell="PowerShell.exe -Command" auth.wintib  --no-pty -- $PSVersionTable


import sys, os
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib import files


# wincheck.ipconfig_all
def chcp437():
    """chcp 437 # Change LANG To English"""
    run("chcp 437", shell=False, pty=False)

# Network
# wincheck.ipconfig_all
def ipconfig_all():
    run("ipconfig /all", shell=False, pty=False)

# wincheck.netstat_rn
def netstat_rn():
    run("netstat -rn", shell=False, pty=False)

# User
# wincheck.net_user
def net_user():
    """ user list"""
    run("net user", shell=False, pty=False)

# wincheck.net_user:
def net_user(user):
    run("net user %s" % user, shell=False, pty=False)

# wincheck.net_user_active:
def net_user_active(user):
    """ make user active from disable"""
    run("net user %s /active" % user, shell=False, pty=False)

# wincheck.net_localgroup_administrators
def net_localgroup_administrators():
    run("net localgroup administrators", shell=False, pty=False)

# wincheck.net_localgroup_users
def net_localgroup_users():
    run("net localgroup users", shell=False, pty=False)

# etc
# wincheck.systeminfo
def systeminfo():
    run("systeminfo", shell=False, pty=False)

# wincheck.powershell_version
def powershell_version():
    run("PowerShell.exe -Command $PSVersionTable", shell=False, pty=False)

Top#OS Management

os/windows/wincheck/index.html.1520438349.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/03/08 00:59 by kurihara