FastHandle - IT Operations Examples

FastHandle is fast operation tools for infrastructure configurations and tests.

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Top#How to use FastHandle

FAQ : How to use FastHandle

The difference between Server A and Server B.

I want to know the difference between Server A and Server B.

$ fab -H a.a.a.a   get.systeminfo
$ fab -H b.b.b.b   get.systeminfo
$ sdiff output/201709/systeminfo.server-a.20170910_1550 output/201709/systeminfo.server-b.20170910_1551

The difference between before restart and after restart

I want to know the difference between before restart and after restart

$ H=a.a.a.a
$ fab -H $H   check.reboot_check
$ fab -H $H   ope.reboot
$ fab -H $H   check.reboot_check
$ fab -H $H   ope.check_reboot_diff

$ fab -H $H   check.ping_gw


Top#How to use FastHandle

operation/faq.html.txt ยท Last modified: 2019/02/11 00:37 by kurihara