FastHandle - IT Operations Examples

FastHandle is fast operation tools for infrastructure configurations and tests.

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$FHHOME/bin/ | xxxx.exp



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NetApp Configuration with Fabric (

Fabric Operation

$ fab  -l |grep netapp
$ echo xx.xx.xx.xx | fab  netapp.xxxx

Fabric Remote Shell Commands

$ echo xx.xx.xx.xx | fab auth.netapppro --set shell=False --no-pty  -- system health status show


import sys
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib import files

env.eagerly_disconnect = False

# netapp.cluster_show
def cluster_show():
    """cluster show # check node"""
    run("cluster show" , shell=False)

# Check System Health
def system_health_status_show():
    run("system health status show" , shell=False)

def system_health_subsystem_show():
    run("system health subsystem show" , shell=False)

def system_health_config_show():
    run("system health config show" , shell=False)

def storage_shelf_show_connectivity():
    """storage shelf show -connectivity"""
    run("storage shelf show -connectivity" , shell=False)

def storage_disk_show():
    run("storage disk show" , shell=False)

def system_cluster_switch_show():
    """system cluster-switch show"""
    run("system cluster-switch show" , shell=False)

# Check ALERT
def system_health_alert_show():
    run("system health alert show" , shell=False)

def system_health_alert_show_instance():
    run("system health alert show -instance" , shell=False)

# HA
def storage_failover_show():
    run("storage failover show" , shell=False)

def cluster_ha_show():
    run("cluster ha show" , shell=False)


hardware/netapp/index.html.1519058514.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/02/20 01:41 by kurihara