FastHandle - IT Operations Examples

FastHandle is fast operation tools for infrastructure configurations and tests.

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Juniper Junos Configuration with Fabric (


I use Fabric for simple tasks and repetitive tasks.

Fabirc Operation

$ fab  -l |grep -F junos.
$ echo xx.xx.xx.xx | fab  junos.xxxx
$ fab  -H x.x.x.x auth.junospro  junos.cli junos.showsecuritynat

How to Check to Use Fabric in Junos

$ ssh user01@xx.xx.xx.xx show version


import sys, os
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib import files
from datetime import datetime
env.eagerly_disconnect = False
# common
# junos.cli
#def cli():
#    try:
#        run("cli", shell=False)
#    except Exception as e:
#        print e
# junos. configure
def  configure():
        run(" configure", shell=False)
    except Exception as e:
        print e
def screen_length0():
    """ set cli screen-length 0 """
    run("set cli screen-length 0", shell=False)
def show_config():
    """show configuration | display set | no-more"""
    run("show configuration | display set | no-more", shell=False)
def save_config(file):
    date ='%Y%m%d_%H%M')
    res=run("show configuration | display set | no-more", shell=False)
    logfile=open("%s_%s.conf" % (file,date) ,"a+")
    logfile.write(res + "\n")
def show_policy():
    """show configuration | display set | no-more | match policy"""
    run("show configuration | display set | no-more | match policy", shell=False)
def show_security_nat():
    """show security nat | display set"""
    run("show security nat | display set", shell=False)


hardware/junos/index.html.1520955699.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/14 00:41 by kurihara