Linux Operation with Fabric (
#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # # # How to use # 2>/dev/null #============================================================================== LANG=C #============================================================================== # Function #============================================================================== process_check(){ COUNT=`ps aux | grep $1 |grep -v grep |wc -l` if [ "$COUNT" -ge 1 ] ; then echo "$1 Process Found" fi } #============================================================================== # Main #============================================================================== cat << @ ## hostname #### `hostname` ## uptime |awk '{print $1, $2 ,$3}' #### `uptime |awk '{print $1, $2 ,$3}'` ## which ntpq > /dev/null 2>&1 && ntpq -p #### `which ntpq > /dev/null 2>&1 && ntpq -p` ## which chronyc > /dev/null 2>&1 && chronyc sources -v #### `which chronyc > /dev/null 2>&1 && chronyc sources -v` #---------------------------------------------------------- # Hardware #---------------------------------------------------------- ## The number of Processors like top command ## cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor |wc -l #### `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor |wc -l` ## The number of total core ## cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "cpu cores" | perl -e 'while(<>){$n+=/(\d+)/?$1:0;}print"$n\n";' #### `cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep "cpu cores" | perl -e 'while(<>){$n+=/(\d+)/?$1:0;}print"$n\n";'` ## cat /proc/meminfo |egrep "MemTotal|SwapTotal" #### `cat /proc/meminfo |egrep "MemTotal|SwapTotal"` ## mount | egrep ^/dev #### `mount | egrep "^/dev|nfs"` #---------------------------------------------------------- # Networking #---------------------------------------------------------- ## ip a |egrep "mtu|inet" |grep -v inet6 #### `ip a |egrep "mtu|inet" |grep -v inet6` ## ip r #### `ip r` #---------------------------------------------------------- # Process #---------------------------------------------------------- # OS `process_check snmp` # middleware `process_check httpd` `process_check nginx` @
Linux Operation with Fabric (